I am devastated by the repeal of Roe v. Wade. . I had a plan this week with my art. And that plan was to try my hand at painting sneakers, specifically my sneakers that I wore to run the Broad Street Run. Mostly bc I was proud of my accomplishment and thought I might try my hand at something original vs a tutorial. . And then….and then… . And then the news came out about the Supreme Court and I decided instead to paint these 1973 postcards and raise a tiny bit of funds for NARAL. . So these are all hand painted so they aren’t perfect. They are all a little different. They all have some flaws. Bc listen - I am not a professional painter here. But they were all painted to keep women’s rights front of mind. You can buy one and frame it and hang it. You can buy one and use it as a postcard to remind someone to VOTE (especially for you’re in PA!) you can use it to send to a congressperson. I think there could be many uses for these little cards. . For sale - $25 each, hand painted 4x6” watercolor cards, 10 created, 100% of sales price to be donated to NARAL Pro-Choice America. First come, first purchased. Please be patient bc this WILL be unorganized as this is just a spur of the moment thing. . Also if you don’t want a postcard, feel free to just donate to NARAL or another org that is fighting for women’s rights. 💔